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GDP medical.

GDP Medical design, manufacture and distribute a range of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and medical-related products throughout New Zealand. 

Global Design & Production supplies large primary industry clients with personal protective products (PPE). GDP focus on supplying high quality, FDA certified products at a competitive price. We supply in large volumes to meet your PPE requirements and can supply PPE product custom to your companies health and safety needs.

Personal Protective Equipment


Anchor 1

Medical Face Mask with

Ear Loops.

Medical face masks are designed to minimize the transfer of bacteria and particles from person to person, reducing the risk of virus and infection transmission. 

-    Breathable 3 Layer Protection 
-    CE and FDA Certified Face Masks
-    Available Now 
-    Variable Cost dependent on order quantity 

Anchor 2

Hand Sanitizer.

It is integral we practice regular hand hygiene. Regular Sanitizing will kill bacteria and help reduce the spread of infection. 

-    60ml (70% Alcohol), 236ml (63% Alcohol) and 500ml (70% Alcohol) Hand Sanitizer sizes available
-    Branded Reform for retail channels
-    63% - 70% Alcohol Based to kill bacteria

Face Shield.

Face Shields provide splash protection from fluid-borne pathogens. Shielding the top, side and front of the face. 

-    Reusable 
-    Open sides to prevent fogging
-    Elastic Band and Forehead pad for comfort 

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For product and pricing enquiries please contact us below or call us on 0800 GDP TEAM to discuss your requirements. 

Thank you.

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